Faith Formation
Become Part of Our Family
Our parish offers a wide range of religious education, faith formation, and faith enrichment programs. We would love to help you form a closer relationship with God through one of our programs.
Faith Formation Programs
For Children & Teens:
Religious Education
- Ages: 6-17
- Days: Sundays
- Time: 9:00-10:20am
- For more details, click here
- Para más detalles en español, haga clic aquí
Sacramental Programs:
First Reconciliation/First Communion Preparation Classes
- Ages: 7+
- For more details, click here
Confirmation Preparation - classes to prepare teens for the sacrament of Confirmation
- Grade: 9th Grade +
- For more details, click here
For Adults
Adult Faith Formation
We are on a life-long journey of conversion to Christ, as a community and as individuals. So Adult Faith Formation is the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit “who will lead you, into all truth.” In our parish, it has three major expressions. We invite you to consider helping in one of them.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) or “catechumenate” - the process of guiding adults to baptism through the stages of pre-evangelization, discipleship, and commitment. Ordinarily, it takes nine months to a year, and involves a team and sponsors.
- For Adults
- For details email: rcia@scswilmde.org
or contact the parish office (302) 633-4900
Escuela de Evangelización de San Andrés
(E.E.S.A - St. Andrew School of Evangelization)
A progressive retreat process among our Hispanic members which leads persons to a deeper relationship with Jesus. It is conducted by the parish team.
- For Adults
- For details email: sanandres@scswilmde.org
Forming Intentional Disciples: A process that helps Catholics come to an awareness of what it means to be a disciple and to have a personal relationship with Jesus, which we share with others.
- For Adults
- For details email: discipleship@scswilmde.org